„was das Quartett musikalisch zu bieten hat, ist ganz großer Sport. „
- metal1.info

„Garden of Sinners gehören schon jetzt zu der Sorte Bands, denen man das große Potential anmerkt, das in den Songs auf „The Promethean Act“ aus jeder Note schimmert.„
- BlackSalvation.de

„Düster, drückend und bisweilen sogar rasend. „
- Myrevelation.de

Upcoming Shows

Next gigs coming soon

The Band


First time on stage in 2017, the four man group from around Bielefeld, Germany, released their first album "The Promethean Act" on september 2019. Influenced by many styles of black and death metal, they create their own mixture of both genres by breaking the boundaries in between them. Their eight track debut was well received not only in the local underground scene, but also in different states.

Aspiring and ambitious, Garden of Sinners will bring darkness over every stage they will enter.


T-SHIRT "The Promethean Act" GOLD - 15€

CD "The Promethean Act" DIGI PACK - 15€


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